Thursday, 30 December 2010


Well my current assignment is about concealment. This is my first route of exploration.. Its pretty foggy where I live right now so Im gonna explore what kind of things could be hidden in the fog... according to my first study not much. Might have to add some mysterious characters for funsies.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Every Precious Second Experiments

My current project is to make a book under that will be titled 'Every Precious Second'. These are some header ideas I have been experimenting with today... Letterpress room tomorrow hopefully.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

I love typewriting now

My friends and I agree that there is something very satisfying about the shuffling clatter of a typewriter being bashed away on. The highlight of course being the wonderful congratulatory ping you receive when you reach the end of your page.

Every Precious Second

These are some initial drawings from a project at Uni called a moment it time. These are some of the people whose moment i am trying to capture... they are only a starting point really

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

I think you're amazing

I love this guy, I can't even say how much. I've had wine but the fact remains the same!

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Nibble my ear off

This is something I have been playing around with whilst bored. The main painting is some awful thing I did a few years ago but due to lack of funds I couldn't buy any new canvas so decided just to vandalise this instead. Its not finished, any suggestions for further improvement very welcome.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

El Salvador

Some Salvador Dali drawings from research I've been doing for a project I'm working on over the summer.